In addition to his white supremacist ideology, he fiercely condemned Catholicism, unionism, and communism, which were associated with recent immigrants from eastern and southern Europe.
Perry Rourke wants to return the gang to its former position alongside the BGF, while other leaders want to adopt a white supremacist ideology.
An amoral drug addict, Hank, like his younger brother Andrew, has been raised on white supremacist ideology by his father and grandfather.
Schillinger has been raised by his father, Heinrich, to believe in a white supremacist ideology, developing a hatred for blacks, Jews, and other non-Aryan people.
Farajaje-Jones (2000) highlighted the connection between white supremacist ideology and what he termed "erotophobia".
In Volumes I and II, she removed most of the nativist, anti-Semitic and white supremacist ideology that had appeared in her predecessor books.
Campbell recounts this improbable but true story as evidence that, before the maturation of white supremacist ideology in the 19th century, class sometimes took precedence over race.
The men, who are accused of operating a violent criminal enterprise that peddles white supremacist ideology and methamphetamine inside and outside Utah's prisons, did not take the news well.
The Anti-Defamation League puts the number of skinhead youths given to white supremacist ideology, overtly racist music and random violence at 3,300 to 3,500 nationwide.