He served in the Pennsylvania state militia and suppressed anti-foreign riots in Philadelphia.
The invitation also came before recent reports that the authorities have brutally suppressed riots and demonstrations inspired by the political changes in Eastern Europe.
Their missions were to suppress the various demonstrations and riots that have shook newly independent Morocco.
The army suppressed riots and counter-revolutionary activities.
"Posse comitatus," literally "the force of the county," means a body of citizens called together to suppress riots, pursue felons or otherwise help enforce the laws.
However, during the next few years, he actively used military force to suppress rural riots by tenants of the large estate owners.
The police were not equipped to suppress riots or protect the Pride marchers.
Napoleon did not believe that the middle-class National Guard would be able to maintain order and suppress riots.
Mrs Achmed remarks that if her clients were as outraged as they were entitled to be, the police would spend all their time suppressing riots.
Suppressing tumults, riots, and unlawful assemblies in its county with force and strong hand when necessary.