Unnamed sources say that the music provider supposedly tried to borrow at least $9 million last year to stay in business.
The program was apparently designed by Vulcans who were supposedly trying to educate people in how to deal with the more emotional species.
After supposedly trying to kill Mao, he died and was forgotten.
Fourteen died during hunger strikes, 16 were shot to death because they were supposedly trying to escape from prison and 43 people committed suicide.
We have now seen our Beloved Leaders as a group supposedly trying to sort out this crisis.
Agents were supposedly trying to fix his mind and get him to engage in sexual activity.
Mantle was abusing while he was supposedly trying to win games for us.
A guy who was supposedly trying to get in touch with Tennex.
Why risk everything to protect the City, when the coalition is supposedly trying to "rebalance the economy" away from years of over reliant on financial services.