Almost a decade later, another case is supposedly threatening to destroy the W.T.O.
Matt was disciplined several times at school, once for hitting a classmate with a chain, another time for supposedly threatening a fellow student with a piece of a plastic mirror.
Ratnik supposedly threatens widespread destruction (though his demands are never heard); his first line, after a maniacal laugh, is "You cannot stop me, Mr. Newspaper Editor!"
The point of all this was to break up a monopoly that supposedly threatened the dominance of the Third Reich.
Lardelli e.g. had to appear at court, because he supposedly threatened an opponent of his project to kill him.
At one point he supposedly threatened to shoot the fingers off any musician who looked at sheet music instead of playing by feeling.
These statistics speak for themselves and claims that waves of refugees are supposedly threatening Europe and that we should pull up the drawbridge are groundless.
More recently, there has been great controversy over them, and it has been suggested that they should be culled, or eradicated, as they supposedly threaten the capercaillie population.
The subject was "the most recent 'monster' that supposedly threatens democracy - the '527 organizations' so named for a section of the tax code."
The W.M.D. that supposedly threatened us did not exist.