However, it also supposedly reflected the fact she had matured as a performer, including having performed at Live 8 earlier that year.
Share prices supposedly reflect the value, not of today's profits or yesterday's, but of the best estimate of tomorrow's.
The lyrics of her subsequent album, The Fall, supposedly reflect elements of the relationship.
The image supposedly reflects a national character - that is, if you are Australian, some of these characteristics make up your identity.
This supposedly reflects the different contexts in which they learn the linguistic skills - public debates versus private relationships.
The photos the subject chooses will supposedly reflect his or her own pathology.
He took home tens of millions of dollars of pay that supposedly reflected his improvement of the company's performance.
These enveloping webs between companies and financial institutions have thwarted the free market principles that stock exchanges supposedly reflect, the report said.
McGovern became tagged with the label "amnesty, abortion and acid," supposedly reflecting his positions.
At the end, there is a second figure of death, which supposedly reflects the endless cycle of war but also rather blurs the initial impact.