Links to several sites supposedly offering the program seemed dead.
Dominica supposedly offers tax-free status to companies locating from abroad.
"Muscle man" acts were especially popular on these tours, for this enabled the salesman to tout the physical vigour the product supposedly offered.
International fraud artists have invented an investment scheme that supposedly offers extremely high yields in a relatively short period of time.
And then there was the vast global environment, supposedly offering limitless energy to anyone with brains (and money) enough to tap it.
Dan was charged with electoral fraud, on the grounds that he supposedly offered free medical care to induce voters to support him.
A favorite argument advanced by opponents of direct shipment is the opportunity it supposedly offers minors to buy alcohol through the mail.
Or they could wait months after a tour's end to buy a record that supposedly offered a band's best performances.
The new automatized registration system supposedly offers improved quality and comfort to travelers.