Providing he only shows half of the deck, the magician can fan the cards face-up to supposedly demonstrate that all cards are different.
It refreshingly avoids the familiar litany of cold statistics - trade and budget deficits, S.A.T. scores, foreign ownership - that supposedly demonstrate America's declining competitiveness.
Which part of which study supposedly demonstrates that " Global warming isn't even happening"?
Daniel Dennett also argues that no clear conclusion about volition can be derived from Benjamin Libet's experiments supposedly demonstrating the non-existence of conscious volition.
Even Sinatra's Mob ties supposedly demonstrated his flouting of authority.
Iron pillar of Delhi: Supposedly demonstrates more advanced metallurgy than was available in 1st millennium India.
Crystal skulls: Supposedly demonstrate more advanced stonecutting skills than were available in pre-Columbian South America.
A mathematical proof, written in 1964 by Professor Donald Bentley, supposedly demonstrates that all numbers are equal to 47.
The canal turned out to be too narrow and too shallow to serve much purpose, but it provided a propaganda bonanza for Stalin, supposedly demonstrating Soviet citizens working alongside one another, transforming the world.
DeFanti supposedly demonstrated his Buckminster Fulleresque invention at the awards ceremony.