She understood how to play the supportive spouse: when to stand beside him; what to say and how to say it.
President Bush appeared as the supportive spouse on Monday to his wife's new program intended to help troubled youth, and then took a seat in the background.
This guy was president for eight years and she was a supportive spouse.
Still, he always described her as a partner in his mission, not just a supportive spouse.
Mrs. Dole has never run for office, except in the role of supportive spouse.
In the earlier movies, Ms. Moore's character was a doggedly supportive spouse who cracked under pressure.
The President is having troubles, again, and the First Lady is not just a supportive spouse, standing by her man with a glazed smile.
So this was no simple role reversal of supportive spouses.
Casagrande appears to have the blessings of a supportive spouse and tightknit family.
Q. You speak in your book about supportive spouses and nonsupportive spouses.