The fellowship is designed to teach education methods, scholarship, and leadership skills, and to develop an active, supportive professional network among educators.
It is much more likely that the distribution of state benefits will occur through narrow informal political networks supportive of the ruling central coalition.
It also provides a supportive network for singles and retirees.
The research findings show that supportive networks is the key determinant differentiating the divergent adaptation pathways.
Examples of protective factors include a positive parent-child attachment relationship, a supportive peer network, and individual social and emotional competence.
Many are lesbians who are not in a relationship but who have a supportive network of family and friends to assist in child rearing.
A supportive network of family and friends is needed to help you through this time.
Supervision that includes an element of peer group work has the potential to facilitate collaborative learning, enhanced group dynamic skills and ongoing supportive networks.
Social life and academic enrichment are readily provided by community resources and a large, supportive network of home-schooling families.