How can economic growth happen when government funding must support low wages, yet, tax those same low wages, bit of continued spinning going on.
FWF has made the tool publicly accessible in the interest of supporting better wages across the garment industry and beyond.
For the Indonesian Government, the long-term solution may be to find manufacturers of products that can support higher wages.
Certainly most Americans do not support higher wages out of immediate self-interest.
Andrew supported better wages for child care providers as a method for attracting well trained individuals.
Supported minimum wages for the soft-coal industry, and made that other industries according to the Walsh-Healy Act.
As well as his campaign for the abolition of slavery, Sharp held other radical political opinions, supporting parliamentary reform and better wages for labourers.
But more important, the old props that once helped to support wages in a weakening economy are gone.
In 2003 he also gave a speech supporting higher wages for firefighters at a union rally.
He said he strongly supported "a living wage" for all New Yorkers and prevailing wages for union workers.