Canon have now found a way to re-engineer the design of the circuit in order to achieve a high enough readout speed to support video.
It is Panasonic's first compact digital camera to support 720p video at 30 fps.
The fact it doesn't support video, audio, photos or Actionscript pretty much means its of limited use.
Able to support various eBook, video, music, and picture file formats, the handy reader is a wonderful companion.
The bit rates available with Mobile broadband devices support voice and video as well as other data access.
Internally, the Zune 4, 8, and 80 now support video at 720x480, even though their screens remain fixed at 320x240.
The signal is strong and the bandwidth is at least enough to support flat video.
The founding mission was to support video as "a means of personal and creative expression and communication.
Many current Blu-ray players and recorders now support 1920x1080 video at the full 60p and 50p progressive format.
She particularly appreciates the way it "supports film and video as an art form, not part of the industry."