The Spanish militia and a group of people summoned by the meeting gathered to support the rebellion.
This was not to say that Tuvok did not support the rebellion.
Either way, your money will be used to support the rebellion, as it was always intended to be.
Security forces have been dragging civilians to the city squares and executing them, as a sign to others not to support the rebellion.
A series of trials were also held for 37 men charged with indirectly supporting the rebellion.
They would like that one to go away because there's no real upside for them in supporting the rebellion by the Shiites.
During the war Orne continued to support the rebellion with his money and influence.
Some communities supported the rebellion for a variety of reasons.
The issues driving many to support the rebellion are closer to the pocketbook and hearth.
The heaviest punishment fell on the areas that had supported the rebellion.