On domestic policy, the party supported privatization and smaller government, but also called for increasing the rights of women.
It supports privatization in principle, but says that Libya needs to first rebuild its infrastructure.
Mr. Etienne, 56, also supports privatization, but his concerns revolve around education rather than business.
Not one economist who supports privatization has been willing to take the test.
However, during the 2005 elections, he faced opposition from his party after he failed to support postal privatization.
The right supports free trade and privatization; the left opposes globalization and favors more welfare programs.
The reaction is still being felt by the big European concerns that dominate the world water business and the Western aid institutions that support privatization.
Our research shows that the Soviet people don't necessarily support democracy or a market economy, but an overwhelming majority supports privatization of farm land.
"I've always supported privatization," Mrs. Smith said, "but not if it's going to destroy the economy of our region."
Muniz is a fiscal conservative who supports privatization of government services where quality service can be maintained at a cost savings.