The Flyer used hard drives to store video clips and audio, and supported complex scripted playback.
Some newer players and newer versions of old players now support gapless playback directly.
Cowon S9 supports gapless playback without software dependency since 2.31b firmware.
So theres no excuse for OS X to not support blu-ray playback.
The license only granted the right to modify the source code if the resulting larger work continued to support playback of VP3.2 data.
Transition times between tracks was reduced, but Sandisk officially declined to support gapless playback.
Most devices and desktops you can purchase today support playback of AAC.
It only supported playback of digital audio in Audible's proprietary, low-bitrate format which was developed for spoken word recordings.
Most new smartphones and music-themed phones support playback of these formats.
The Web interface supports library management, browsing, and playback.