The Foundation carries out charitable activities in the sphere of children's health care; it supports orphanages, children's homes and children's hospitals.
He also had a longstanding involvement with the charitable Pestalozzi Foundation of America, supporting orphanages.
According to the organisers, this event will be held annually to raise funds to support orphanages in the country.
He has also founded a non-profit foundation to support orphanages, build schools and fund college scholarships in Vietnam.
Harris was also active in community service, supporting homeless shelters and orphanages.
He supported orphanages and schools, underprivileged children went on camping holidays at his expense.
We've supported school and orphanages in Afghanistan.
Cognizant's has a grassroots corporate social responsibility project called Outreach, for which Cognizant's employees volunteer to support schools and orphanages.
Aid supported several villages, hospital, orphanages, schools and clinics in both Mauritania and Mali.
They also support orphanages, or operate them themselves.