Mr. Qvale said that pioneering dealers had to demonstrate years of business success before American banks would support loans or leases attached to the imports.
It means that we should strongly support Federal grants and loans for college scholarships for people changing jobs.
In light of the facts outlined above, however, no reasonable taxpayer can support public loans to failing railroads, the proposal now before the Congress.
So I support what are called "microloans" - small, no-collateral loans allowing the poor to build a business and employ their neighbors.
Under the law, the United States could not support loans and other financial help from international financial institutions if Yugoslavia was deemed not to be cooperating.
Worse, the banks have only a tiny £300bn of equity capital to support loans and lending, of which a substantial proportion carries unknown risks.
Until now there has been no link between what we do and what the European Investment Bank also does to support loans for innovation and infrastructures.
In other words, after enlargement the Guarantee Fund will have more scope to support loans to third countries.
Mr. O'Neill also ruffled some diplomatic feathers with his frank comments about his reluctance to support new loans.
In addition, Federal credit is being used to support insolvent saving and loans whose own credit is now worthless.