He usually supports incumbents or those likely to win, putting the community in a good position to receive government money.
In 1994, House operations were essentially designed to launder funds to support incumbents.
Herbert Magidson, executive vice president of the union, conceded that it usually supported incumbents on the basis of their education and labor records.
But they balk at restricting political action committees, which, uncoincidentally, now support mostly Democratic incumbents.
"We have a long-standing policy to support incumbents and we won't break that," he said.
Voters still have a duty to support worthy incumbents, or reform slates where they exist.
In the other two, we support incumbents.
"Senior administration politicos told us it was official White House policy to support incumbents," said Mark Dion, Mr. Toomey's chief of staff.
The fact that PACs tend to support incumbents as safe options for re-election has implications for democracy in America.