He says he supports giving the states greater control over nursing homes.
White House officials said they would support giving the director substantial influence over development of the budget.
Polling information shows that 72 percent of Oklahomans support giving a patient the right to sue.
Although a majority of respondents still support giving weapons inspectors more time, that number has decreased to 52 percent from 62 percent two weeks ago.
In addition, I will always support giving our senior citizens better choices and better access to the health care they need.
You read that correctly: the head of the public school board supports giving students in his system a chance to escape public schools.
For example, the administration supported giving parents and students the right to choose a public school other than the one to which they were assigned.
Grosso supports giving tax incentives for private employers to move to the District.
Similarly, while constitutional issues had dominated the national debate for several years, two failed reform proposals led most to support giving the issue a rest.
A majority of the board members support giving the police a greater role in school security, - including helping to screen potential safety officers.