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Russell supported nuclear disarmament a lot, but did not support the American war in Vietnam even when it was popular.
A growing body of expert thought not only opposes the nuclear arms race but supports disarmament.
She describes herself as a "relative pacifist", meaning that she doesn't support unilateral disarmament.
He supported multilateral nuclear disarmament, and opposed a policy of unilateral disarmament.
He supported nuclear disarmament and was open to discussion on the subject of women's ordination.
One supported disarmament, and armed children to the teeth!
The commission supported multilateral disarmament and comprehensive conversion policies.
China pledged that it would never be the first in a fight to go nuclear, and said it supported total global nuclear disarmament.
All the signatories except for Germany supported disarmament.
The students support disarmament, yes, but Marxists aren't anarchists.