To expand: Why is it that the United States so often supports dictators?
At France's behest, he sent his soldiers to support dictators in Chad.
WHY does the United States so often support dictators?
America supports dictators and supplies them with weapons this is beyond dispute.
America has no problem supporting vicious dictators who kill their own people and if you do not know that then I suggest you read more.
He was accused of being a war criminal, supporting Latin American dictators even as they violently suppressed their opponents.
If it suits our interests to support kings and dictators who abridge the rights of Arab peoples and stifle their economies, why should we care?
In the course of this policy, it supported knowingly murderous dictators such as Duvalier and Trujillo.
If the United States supports dictators, then the Soviet Union and socialism must be right.
"By playing to the white guilt complex, Mandela appeared to support dictators in general and Moi in particular," the lawyer said.