He supported cuts in foreign aid, defense, NASA, and health research.
Maybe people support cuts because they figure a program is hopeless, they aren't getting anything for it, it doesn't work.
Senator Bob Dole supports modest cuts in the number of foreigners entering the country legally.
He supported administrative cuts at the board's head office in 2004, arguing that the organization should not be too "top-heavy."
Will they support cuts in the defence budget which seem inevitable if the deficit is going to be tackled?
He would support "good" cuts, but not very big ones or bad ones.
For example, more people will likely answer "yes" to the question "Given the increasing burden of taxes on middle-class families, do you support cuts in income tax?"
Ms. Seigel said she gets sicker with fears that parents of other children will rally to support cuts in special education programs.
How can anyone support these vicious, expensive and totally unjustified cuts ??
Both parties support 'savage' cuts to public services.