By age 10, he was appearing in vaudeville and on Broadway to support his family after his father's death.
At the age of 20, Wain was left to support his mother and his five sisters after his father's death.
He was forced to quit school in order to support his family after his father's death in 1918.
His father continued supporting the club after his death and there are still family links today.
Johnson and Whitney acquired a large collection over 40 years, but much was sold to support the trust after Johnson's death.
To help support his family after his father's death, at the age of 16, he worked as a chamois cutter.
Lachi is a 19-year-old hard-working girl who supported her family after her father's mysterious death.
Let us support her after her death.
The couple were patrons of the arts, and Abramov continued to support the art world even after her husband's death in 1997.
She and her brother took up show-business as professionals to support their mother after their father's death in 1944.