Although no one at the school board meeting supported abolishing homework, many said Mr. Redmond deserved credit for questioning its effectiveness.
Mr. Urazhtsev said he personally supported abolishing the draft in favor of a professional army, but the group itself is divided on the issue and is still studying it.
He also supports abolishing teacher tenure in order to increase accountibility.
Thereafter, a referendum was held in which 97.5 per cent of voters supported abolishing the monarchy, effectively approving union with India.
Republican officials generally support abolishing or reducing rent protections, while Democrats usually want to preserve them.
Mr. Bloomberg also supports abolishing the party system in city elections.
The majority of Cherokee traditionalists supported abolishing slavery, opposed the South, and formed an association known as the "Pin Indians."
That is why the union has not gone so far as to support abolishing the board.
For the same reason I do not support abolishing the favourable tax treatment for diesel fuel.
But in a referendum in 1989, one in three voters supported abolishing the army.