The needs of literati, who were supporting a cultural style which endorsed free, spontaneous expression, different from a more traditional "ancient culture" (guwen).
In turn, this influence gave rise to a new middle class which supported a new style of art known as the Shanghai school.
Semler clashed with his father, Antonio Semler, who supported a traditional autocratic style of management while the younger Semler favoured a decentralised, participatory style.
During his Iowa years, Bandura came to support a style of psychology which sought to investigate psychological phenomena through repeatable, experimental testing.
In addition, the Gberedou/ Hamana region supports a unique architectural style of residential structures.
Many members of the Council of 2002 said that a Green mayoralty would have led them to support a more passive, caretaker style of leadership in the Council.
They disagreed on the appropriate form of Gun Kata, with Kurt Wimmer advocating a smoother, flowing style and the choreographer supporting a more rigid style.
At the same time, most of the unskilled jobs in manufacturing, which paid previous generations enough to support a style of life that included comfortable housing, no longer exist.
Tablet support isn't about supporting the hardware but about supporting a particular style of human interaction.
Both Mr. Yushchenko and Mr. Kuchma support a more democratic, Western style of government, Mr. Orban said.