Although both justices have supported Roe, he has voted to uphold greater restrictions on abortion rights.
He supports Roe v. Wade and believes in ensuring that women have full access to reproductive health care.
On that limited basis, the President arguably has an obligation to find a nominee who supports Roe v. Wade and other precedents.
There is no longer a majority on the Court to support Roe v. Wade as it stands.
Though most Americans support Roe v. Wade, pollsters tell us that many of those in their sample can't instantly identify what it is.
Some questions: How can Gore be so sure his appointees will support Roe unless he uses a litmus test?
I had always supported Roe but opposed public funding of abortions for poor women, so my position didn't really please either side.
Most Americans support Roe and think women, not the government, should make abortion decisions.
Will he continue to support Roe v. Wade?
He supported Roe v. Wade and abortion rights, which did not always make him popular with the Catholic Church.