The Liberal riding association voted unanimously to support Johnson.
Seven Republicans, known as the "Republican Recusants," joined the 12 Democrats in supporting Johnson.
Relations between the two men later became tense, however, and Paradis did not support Johnson against similar challenges in 1998.
At first Jayaram does not know Johnson's intentions, but when he knows the real reason behind it, he supports Johnson.
Despite not wanting him Andrew has then done his utmost to support Johnson at all turns.
His mother, an ex-showgirl, supported Kennedy, Johnson and the Great Society.
Although the Yankee defense did not support Johnson in the first, balls were stung so hard that steadier defense probably would have only delayed the inevitable.
He therefore had little chance of winning, as 42% supported Johnson and 41% Livingstone.
The Democratic Party, proclaiming itself the party of white men, north and south, supported Johnson.
As a result of the popularity of the game, Asymmetric currently supports Johnson, Nite, and a few other individuals as full-time employees.