The carotid artery travels up each side of the neck and branches into smaller vessels that supply blood to the brain.
Energy is supplied to the brain in the form glucose and oxygen (which is transferred by hemoglobin).
While exercising the body may not be able to supply enough oxygen to the brain fast enough.
A blood clot can form in an artery that supplies blood to the brain.
But women have a much higher rate of strokes, which occur when cholesterol plugs an artery supplying blood to the brain.
The larger and more muscular left side of the heart generates the high pressure required to supply blood to the brain and body.
In an ischemic stroke, there is an obstruction within blood vessels that supply blood to the brain.
His work pointed to the essential role of glucose in supplying energy to the brain.
These are the major blood vessels which supply blood to the brain.
Shock occurs when there is a serious loss of blood and not enough is being supplied to the brain.