Regardless of whether you visit for a day or a longer stay, all equipment and supplies need to be taken with you.
The movement was considered a favorable sign because supplies will probably need to be replenished even if demand tails off.
A girl brought up like that, with those parents, going to that school, needed a constant supply of money.
This hurts the industrial base of the country since it can no longer afford to buy those imported supplies needed for production.
We will buy you a horse there, and the supplies you will need.
As on the White Pass trail, supplies needed to be broken down into smaller packages and carried in relay.
The soldiers could march, but their equipment and heavy supplies would need to be ferried by sea.
"Medical supplies, clothes, tools - the kind of thing people need to survive on a world like this."
For example, in a national power grid, the supply of power needs to be balanced to demand over a short term.
The supply does not need to be to the ultimate consumer.
God will take care of people and supply their needs, but to fall in love with money is a dangerous thing.
The land produces little more than enough to supply our needs.
In principle, a single source could supply many researchers' needs.
Enough in just those two small eyes to supply Voyager's needs for months.
He went on to help many others find secure hiding places and to supply their needs.
One such capture a century is more than enough to supply our needs.
You can tell them that I can supply all their needs in future.
Three nuclear power plants that can supply half the state's needs on the hottest day are shut and not likely to open soon.
They need only supply my own needs, plus some specialties to exchange for those of others.
Food and all sorts of other goods to supply the island's needs are also carried.