Instantly in his mind less supply of nuclear power equaled more demand for oil, and he was right.
At quasi-equilibrium prices p in the convexified economy, every good's market is in equilibrium: Its supply equals its demand.
Your supply of gold will equal your supply of iron.
The idea behind this type of I.P.O. is to allow online bidders to determine a stock's offering price, thereby zeroing in on that sweet spot where supply equals demand.
G.M. said late this afternoon that its supply of unsold cars and light trucks equaled 68 days of sales; Chrysler said that it had a 78-day supply.
Thus limited supply combined with rising demand equals higher prices.
And so it could be for Chinese women after centuries in which the supply of potential brides equaled demand, and they could be - and were - treated as chattel.
Market realities are therefore understood in terms of supply and demand curves which sets price at a level where supply equals demand.
If the supply of seamen roughly equalled the demand, there should in theory have been men faced with the choice of unemployment or a King's ship.
Here the dynamic process is that prices adjust until supply equals demand.