A lot of companies will bottle their water somewhere else," he said, "and our water does not supply other companies.
They book orders, develop new business and sort out problems where necessary, earning commission from Courtaulds' supplying companies.
He called this an example of the increasing sophistication of smugglers, who are ever more eager to supply American companies with low-wage workers.
Certified renewable energy generators earn certificates for every unit of electricity they produce and can sell these along with their electricity to supply companies.
If you supply larger companies, you may be asked to compete for their business in a reverse auction.
In July the 1st Bucks supplied companies for the Bridgehead defence.
But chances are the firm has some impact on the food that you eat as it supplies companies the world over with raw materials.
Příbram's economy was determined by the mining industry and supplying companies for hundreds of years.
At the same time as using catalogues, trade and technical press, and public relations, supplying companies may use a two-pronged sales effort.
A postal franker is a machine which has to be hired or purchased from supplying companies licensed by the Post Office.