They have always supplied marijuana, cocaine, and heroin.
They find a drug dealer, Nate, to supply cocaine, first for the girls, and then for their 'johns' as well.
It said that only 96 square miles in Peru could supply enough cocaine to meet the total demand in the United States.
Mexico's drug networks span the border, supplying cocaine, heroin and marijuana to American users.
In March 2010, Houston was served with a notice to attend court on charges of supplying ecstasy and cocaine.
Next, it is revealed that George was the one who used to supply cocaine to both Freddie and Nick.
Two London residents were subsequently charged with conspiracy to supply cocaine and ecstasy to Winehouse.
Two years ago, the Tulane college basketball scandal involved students supplying cocaine in return for cooperation in point-fixing.
They also began supplying cocaine to other ethnic groups.
"But it's not a serious crime like supplying cocaine or marijuana."