The Senate tonight overwhelmingly passed the supplemental spending bill on a vote of 98 to 1.
The supplemental spending bill includes items to be added to the budget for the current fiscal year, 1990.
It would also get a supplemental bill for $24,000 from Community Energy, the company running the pool.
Congress is working on a supplemental bill that will result in billions of dollars in additional spending this year.
This is particularly true in the case of these supplemental bills, which address genuine emergencies.
The United States is still awaiting passage of a supplemental spending bill to determine how much it will give.
In every year from 2003 to 2006, he has voted in favor of the annual supplemental spending bill to continue funding for the Iraq war.
The supplemental bill has been the subject of continued dispute between Congress and the White House.
The amendments, passed by the House with a supplemental spending bill, face an uncertain future in the Senate and a likely veto later.
Even the cost of this war was tucked from the very start into "supplemental bills" that magically don't count toward the budget deficit.