In order to supplement his modest salary, John Teasman began an evening school for adults.
When they returned to work, she also supplemented their salary if it happened to be lower than the set rate.
To supplement this teacher's salary, he also drove a school bus.
"Judy," he asked, "is it really necessary to take in laundry to supplement your salary?"
He would also rely on financial help from his associates in order to supplement his small salary as a federal judge.
She supplemented her teacher's salary by establishing and maintaining high quality after-school and summer programs.
Fortunately, he was supplementing a teacher's salary with some money from freelance writing.
He said he had been authorized to use gallery credit cards to supplement his $18,200 salary.
The next day I caught a taxi driven by a Christian man who was trying to supplement his salary as an engineer.
Jimmy A records clerk who liked to supplement his salary with something better.