The largest number of applications has come from retirees looking to supplement their pension.
For a time, my parents did a Sunday morning paper round as a way of supplementing my father's small pension.
Ever thought of doing a bit of part-time work to supplement your pension?
I used to supplement my small early pension by flying to England and working for a period as a Supply teacher.
Seeking to supplement his meager judicial pension, she sought survivor's benefits under the Connecticut workers' compensation law.
The bucket of small fish he catches on a good day helps him supplement his monthly pension of 560 rubles, or $25.
Just a workaday, retired cop trying to earn a few dollars to supplement my pension.
As an ex-Forces man it helped to supplement his pension after the age of forty-five.
I learned that she was a retired teacher, supplementing her tiny pension.
I stopped for a chat and learned that he was a pensioner who was trying to catch a few fish to supplement his pension.