Brought up in a wealthy home, she had to supplement her husband's irregular income during their married life.
He had to supplement his income during the summer for several years by teaching general psychology at Radcliffe College.
They consist of senior citizens, college and high school students and others who must supplement their incomes during these tough times.
He set about restoring his church, and supplemented the Sunday morning service by others in the evening and during the week.
Each character of the game has a Japanese voice-over actor to supplement the text during conversations between characters.
The exit was originally rumored to supplement a failed redevelopment project in the area during that time.
They are thought to supplement parts of their diet with mushrooms during the dry season.
The 30 choices will supplement the 210 choices during the regular seven rounds of the draft.
The recovered energy is used to supplement the engine's output during acceleration.
She also worked as a party emcee, musical theater performer, model, and did voice over to help supplement her income during college.