The supple material rustled over her and him.
C-Group began with light, supple materials, animal skins, and wattle and daub.
The supple metallic material used for the leg coverings and accompanying turtleneck tops supplied a fresh slant on what is developing into a snappy, contemporary way of dressing.
Vionnet used supple materials and brought them close to the body.
The lumpy shape of the onyx amulet was obvious beneath the supple material.
It also conducts little heat and its fibers create strong, supple materials.
The earliest Nubian architecture used perishable materials, wattle and daub, mudbrick, animal hide and other light and supple materials.
Fabrication of the masks is simple and inexpensive, based on replication of tiny troughs made of a supple polymeric material that can be pulled from the original mold.
He wore the green-brown of Survey, with the addition of high boots of a dull copper-colored, supple material.
Fingering the supple material, Jamie shook her head.