Her husband, Peter Plattes, eventually got a $100,000 supervisory post in one of the system's regional offices.
This may be 15 minutes for manual workers or as long as an hour for supervisory or management posts.
Legislators were angered when they learned that at the same time Mr. Guido promoted 46 officers to supervisory posts.
Since taking the post, Susan has benefited from training offered by the local authority and will be applying for the next supervisory post that is available.
To hold a supervisory post of some sort, it would take one, I suppose.
More than half the nation's approximately 1,750 daily papers have no black or Hispanic employees, and in supervisory posts minorities make up only 3.9 percent.
Nowadays-said Jon Haslip-the man on watch occupied the supervisory post, to be sure, but he rarely paid attention to the machines.
I also intend, in a general manner, to introduce a probation period for appointments to supervisory posts.
The administrative regional ministries were reduced from 21 to 15, and 43 supervisory posts and 16 control positions were abolished.
Mr. Nolan has not made the decision to seek the supervisory post without some sacrifice.