Antonio spent the morning at an auto shop, supervising repairs on his car.
They stayed with the ships in port between voyages as caretakers, supervising repairs and refitting.
That is, if you can get Pusey Paxmore to supervise repairs.
Fred Crocombe as Chief Designer flew out to supervise repairs.
The ship's captain supervised repairs, but there was no new tackle to mount and no new sail.
Better they should supervise repairs on the Puyallup, which, no doubt, had other vital missions scheduled.
Kiril was standing next to a wiry old man who usually supervised repairs to the ship's sails and deck canvas.
If you do that, Tuvok, there'll be nobody left to supervise repairs.
He was exhausted from hours of supervising damage-control repairs throughout the ship.
"I'd like her here to supervise repairs."