In the years since the house left the hands of the Stickney family, owners have reported supernatural occurrences.
Accounts of supernatural occurrences have always been common in the print media.
When they dropped into trances, all manner of supernatural occurrences would happen around them.
This may be why supernatural occurrences keep pestering me.
During the early 20th century parents forbid their children from the area claiming supernatural occurrences.
Such films feature magical effects or supernatural occurrences happening in the "real" world of today.
He had seen many supernatural occurrences over the past week, but nothing as strange as this.
Each video features supernatural occurrences that suggests would never happen during the day.
As with most supernatural occurrences one never knows just when something is going to happen and this is the case in the studio.
During the 1970s he made three programmes about the supernatural and ghostly occurrences.