There dwelt a supernatural monster, which occasionally descended into the city and devoured one of the inhabitants.
The choice of location in turn influenced the type of supernatural monster that was featured.
A raid on a crazed madman and his army-confronting a supernatural monster.
As in the games, you have a woman with an English accent and a curvaceous figure facing supernatural monsters and gun-toting bad guys.
Weapon, weapon-what was a weapon against a supernatural monster?
He'd told them, because the handing on of an oral mythology was very important to a developing culture, but he didn't believe in supernatural monsters.
Two cops in the house with guns and a blizzard outside so he had to go inventing himself a supernatural monster.
Then the small supernatural monster began to disintegrate, but only so far as to become again a dense black cloud.
A raid on a crazed madman and his army - con- fronting a supernatural monster.
As the season begins, Dean, at age 26, is a hunter; he hunts and kills supernatural monsters.