We started the competition with Japan with hugely superior resources of technology, science, manpower and skills.
Management has superior financial resources, while the union has the ability to launch an all-out labor war that could severely damage the paper.
With the loss of imperial support, Định's forces began to struggle against the superior resources of the French.
One advantage the Borodin had was its superior technical resources.
The North's victory, he said, "is often attributed to its superior resources.
This third generation is qualitatively most superior human resource in India.
And the Serbs have the superior resources of the Yugoslav Army to draw on, if they choose.
They were more evidence of the superior resources and ingenuity of the industrial North.
The party is helped, of course, by superior financial resources.
Durango, however, raised objections, demanding retention of the capital or separation from the new state, because of its large population and superior resources.