Each superfluous word or phrase dulls the prose.
This is just the poetry he wanted in his Imagist days, back when he was prescribing enduring emotion with no superfluous words.
He stated that having read the work, the first eight chapters contained not a superfluous word.
With tact and good- breeding, and, above all, entirely without superfluous words, I blamed myself for all that had happened.
Not one superfluous word was spoken.
This limitation of the gezerah shavah, however, to superfluous words is not generally recognized.
She dropped all familiarity with me, and she stated the object of her visit without a superfluous word of explanation or apology.
Tell her there's not a superfluous word in it.
Nonetheless, the proliferation of superfluous words is nothing new.
Word processing has automated the process of justification, making syllabification of shorter words often superfluous.