There are many scenarios where the gambler's fallacy might superficially seem to apply but does not.
But while South Africa seems superficially like the American 50's, it's important to look below the surface.
Although Georges superficially seems to be more Algerian than French and Tarek more French than Algerian, the film suggests that their security is illusory.
Something involves a language which superficially seems to make sense, but turns out to defy logical sense when examined more closely.
Since superficially there seemed to be no obvious grammatical blunders, and the vocabulary was not obviously faulty, the ingredients of this foreignness were not at first apparent.
For some patients this seems superficially to be effective, but for men or women whose background or culture more readily allows them to express feeling, this is very difficult.
One of these modern experiments--however paradoxical it may superficially seem to say so--is fundamentalism.
If Warren Sonbert's "Short Fuse," superficially seems like the happiest film of the three, an undercurrent of rage seeps through the cracks of its ebullient surface.
Onna, indeed, never forgot a thing no matter how minute it might seem superficially.
In retrospect, the ECSC did not seem superficially to have achieved much in the political direction.