This is a superficial and even dangerous view.
Perhaps, though, I'm taking too superficial a view and am failing to fully appreciate the allegorical nature of the film.
Clearly then, his pictures of the place are not merely superficial, tourist-type views.
When he did speak, it was in an agitated tone, "You have a very superficial view.
A lot of people will cynically think you've done it for economic reasons, and that is so superficial a view.
In our opinion, this is a superficial view of a complex situation.
Complicated as the system may appear from this superficial view, it is one which has to be used and therefore needs to be understood.
I can't believe The Guardian would publish such a superficial view of race, character and sexuality.
The First Commandment, for him, is one that encourages people to embrace a superficial view of life and faith.
Only to a superficial view was it even expedient.