He searched quickly in the thoughts of the 3 guards but encountered nothing but very superficial impressions.
Perhaps offensive people leave a more superficial impression.
Any superficial impressions to the contrary notwithstanding, Thalassa was neither backward nor decadent, and still sustained the finest traditions of its great ancestors.
Meg learns to see beyond superficial impressions, and appreciate and embrace inner beauty and strength.
However, despite the superficial impression of an unchanged world, four years of war could hardly fail to make some impact on cruising.
It may be said that these are superficial impressions derived from a superficial knowledge of small parts of the stratigraphical record.
Nobody will care about superficial first impressions or identity politics tokenism a few years from now.
But she recognised that this superficial impression of disarray only disguised a home comfortably arranged to meet Henrietta's every need.
But he enriches the complications, illuminates the contradictions and invariably leads to some revision of the superficial impressions obtained from the early press reports.
The superficial impression of the world is by far the deepest.