Except for some superficial differences of face shape and size, they could have been brothers.
The parts have some superficial physical differences when compared against the iPhone 4, however.
It's an accurate answer for an increasing number of us, and it serves the more general truth that beneath superficial differences, we are all one.
Inscrutable, he thought, thinking for the first time how much that face, despite its superficial differences, resembled his Master's.
The film's plot is loosely based on the novel, with some superficial differences.
We can point to a superficial difference between most net.
They are, for the most part, the same family with superficial, simple differences.
At heart, their anatomy is similar, despite many superficial differences.
Despite those superficial differences, the two had much in common.
Why were people like Ebbert 50 threatened by such small and superficial differences?