This was done because in most cases tests, especially multiple choice ones, offered just a superficial assessment and a limited outlook of the students' actual performance.
And that's just a superficial assessment.
But Hulan's mind jumped beyond this superficial assessment.
He also condemned the financial markets for making a series of superficial assessments of the Eurozone crisis.
Words taken out of their context convey useful but limited information, and this superficial assessment of the literature can only be used to direct further investigation.
It is hard to imagine a more superficial and silly assessment of what is going on in Lithuania at the moment.
These are horrible and superficial assessments & I am missing the greatness of the painting by a mile.
Thus, in the visible region of the spectrum, only superficial assessment of tissue features is possible.
"That is a superficial assessment," said Eastman, sniffing.
That exercise, inevitably based on superficial and subjective assessments, allows too much scope for prejudice and irrationality.