He tapped his keyboard; Pham heard a creaking sound as the superconducting cables spread apart from each other.
A network of superconducting cables run through the entire ring.
Naturally the collectors used superconducting cables, and naturally they had failed.
The superconducting cables and the mounts for the motor had been sheared so cleanly that the cut ends looked like little mirrors.
Forget the carrier buckets, and the superconducting cables that carried electricity down to the drive train from the solar power satellite seventy thousand kilometers above us.
The power for that was drawn from the same superconducting cables.
Today's superconducting cables took a decade of hard work to develop, and it may take as long before the new materials can perform as well.
All he saw were the superconducting cables running from the electrodes at the ends of the matter-antimatter engine nodules.
It also includes superconducting cables that carry greater quantities of electricity, which will allow utilities to add transmission capacity without building unsightly transmission towers.
Utilities hope to use superconducting cables to increase the transmission capacity in congested portions of the grid without building additional towers.