They were superb horsemen and savage warriors.
He was a superb horseman and once rode into a ball where he made his mount dance.
Certainly Azak would be a superb horseman; in whatever he did, he would settle for nothing less than mastery.
A superb horseman, he spent the next few years on the gold escort between Gundagai and Goulburn.
He was a superb horseman: the arthad come to him naturally, perhaps some instinct from his Africanorigins.
He was a superb horseman and was courageous in battle from the beginning of his career as a professional soldier.
Like many superb horsemen, he didn't manage his own legs all that well.
Jefferson was a superb horseman, beautiful to see.
Long legs gave her an advantage, but it was Geneva's hands that made her a superb horseman.
Olion was a superb horseman, and a fine soldier, but incapable of smartness, no matter what disciplinary measures were taken against him.