MacIntosh apples have a superb flavor but tend to be moister than desirable to use in pies.
The food is mostly typically Shang hainese, with the accent on the superb flavor of the top-quality ingredients.
Butternut, which was developed in Massachusetts at the Waltham Field Station, is also an extremely popular squash for its good storage life and superb flavor.
'It's the thyme that gives the local mutton its superb flavour,' Fen told her.
Chicken thighs stay moist and succulent during slow cooking, infusing the accompanying vegetables with superb flavor.
In fact, the shad bears the specific scientific name of sapidissima, the Latin for "most savory," because of its superb flavor.
This is the origin of the word, daigo-mi (醍醐味), which means a superb flavor.
It was productive and disease-free well into fall, and its beautiful, persimmon-orange fruits held superb flavor even if not picked immediately.
Basting and using an even lower temperature (350 degrees for 1 hour and 30 minutes) yields a soft-skinned bird with slightly dry flesh but superb flavor.
The superb flavors were noted and given first prize with highest honors, thereby gaining national recognition.